Mental Health and Counselling

Whether you are curious to better understand your emotions, feeling motivated to achieve your potential, or struggling with a mental illness, we can support you wherever you are through the following options.
A smiling young woman sits on the beach during the morning


We offer 1:1 counselling sessions for any woman over the age of 18 years old. Sessions are conducted in person in our peaceful counselling rooms, or over the phone. The sessions are confidential, designed for short-term support, and booked with qualified, passionate and experienced counsellors.


We gratefully accept a $20 donation for each session, and we are always open to discussion in situations of financial hardship. For non-attendance, or cancellation less than 24 hours prior to the appointment time, a $20 administration fee will be charged.

Referrals & Waiting Times

You can enquire about yourself or a client through our contact form. Our team will then reach out to you, and either place you on our waitlist or book you into a counselling session. Wait times vary, so please enquire with us at the time.

If you prefer to see a psychologist, Luma runs a private psychology practice at Health Sense Psychology & Wellness, where you can book an appointment with clinical and registered psychologists. All profits go back to Luma’s programs and services.

Support and Advocacy

Our Support and Advocacy team can support you in managing the practical aspects of life, including securing accommodation, achieving employment or education goals, accessing Centrelink benefits, and information and referrals to mental health, legal, financial, and alcohol and other drug services and supports.

The service is free, with appointments offered on both a 1:1 or group basis.

‘Be Well’ Mental Health

This program is a holistic, community-based option for making positive changes to your mental health, lifestyle and wellbeing, while connecting with a community of women with the same goal. The individual and group options are facilitated by qualified social workers. Anyone is welcome, although an initial assessment is required.

Individual Support

We can provide 1:1 therapeutic support, referral and advocacy services, to help you improve your mental wellbeing. A qualified social worker will work directly with you to listen to your concerns, support you to create lifestyle changes, suggest information and supply resources that will support with your journey. We can also connect you with other organisations and give you a referral to ensure you receive the support you need.

Be Well Recovery Group

A weekly community-group where women explore self-improvement, lifestyle changes, discussion of mental health experiences and more. The group is open, informal and includes activities that positively impact your wellbeing, such as psychoeducation and group discussions, goal setting, wellness self-management, relaxation and mindfulness, nutrition and exercises, and creative art and crafts.


Self-referrals are welcome, as are referrals from GPs, mental health clinics, psychiatrists and other health professionals through our online contact form. An assessment is required when joining the program.

Holistic Wellbeing Group

A weekly group for community-based connection and promoting wellbeing. We focus on making positive changes to your mental health, lifestyle and wellbeing, while connecting with a community of women with the same goal. The individual and group options are facilitated by our health promotions team. This group is run in both Northbridge and Joondalup.